Value of Charities in Society

Value of Charities in Society

It’s no secret that charities play a vital role in our society. From providing food and shelter for the homeless to supporting cancer research, charities do fantastic work that improves the quality of life for everyone. Here are five ways charities benefit...
How to Be Smart With Your Donations

How to Be Smart With Your Donations

After going through your closets and other areas in your home to gather the things that you no longer need or want, you might be tempted to throw them aside. However, donating them to an organization or someone else in need can be a better option. Here are a few ways...
Myths About Philanthropy

Myths About Philanthropy

A lot of people have misconceptions about philanthropy. They think it’s only for the rich or they don’t know what to do with their money, so they give it away. These are just a few myths! This blog post will debunk four myths and provide you with some...